
Tuesday 7 December 2010

Try, try and try again.

After redoing all of my stop motion for the lyrics "Here comes the sun", I tried to add it into my video. This did not work as it was 3 frames per Sec, and I was not aloud to make in any faster, so what I managed to do after many trial and error was, I put it in another Adobe Premier Elements video file and, made it into its own little video then as an AVI file I could add it to my music video, and the stretch or shrink the time stretch on it. This was new to me as I have not done something like this before and has given me ideas for more footage in my video. It is a simple solution that could make my life a lot easier instead of putting in each picture separately as that took a long time and kept on going wrong as I could only put in a certain amount of images at a time and with some it did not let me pt them in at all, after deleting the faulty pictures and making it into another AVI  file, it has cleared a lot of complication up.

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